Presenter at the Berkeley-Stanford San Francisco MOMA Symposium “Work In Progress"
Adding accession numbers to objects / Sewing twill tape
Cataloguing and researching a new object for the Peterborough Museum and Archives collection
Performed art handler duties throughout the auction process
The Fleming College Museum Management and Curatorship group outside of the Hutchison House Museum
Presenting my work on the Venetian Reliquary Arm of St. George at the Art Gallery of Ontario: 41st Canadian Conference of Medieval Art Historians
Practicing different preventative conservation methods and mount making for objects using preservation materials
Artspace Workshop: CONNECTION and Art Making, pictured alongside artists: Brian Nichols and Jane Lowbeer
Zoe Chevalier and I involved in seasonal cleaning of the museum's historic buildings
Completing museum inventory for 2024
Volunteering as Artist Relief for the event
Pictured alongside Emma Clarke as we prepared to lead visitors through the curatorial building at the Peterborough Museum and Archives
Focused on creating the condition reports, photo documentation, examination, re-housing and support for various garments and textiles
Introduced young artists to colour mixing, colour theory, experimentation and brush techniques using non-toxic paints and materials
Further Cataloguing of objects at the Peterborough Museum and Archives
Developing skills in mount making, specifically plexi cutting and bending
Bachelor of Fine Arts class at the Ontario Art Gallery, Ottawa
Applying assessment skills and cleaning artifacts within a museum collection
Completing research at the Trent Valley Archives for upcoming Hutchison House Museum Exhibition
Practicing the techniques used to repair ceramics and glass materials
Volunteering at the annual All Hallows Eve event
Exploring the archeological site of Delphi, Greece and the histories of the surrounding area
Installing my Mini Exhibition titled "We Will Remember" wherein I tell the story of my great grand father Ernest Edward Gough D.S.M, Naval Serviceman and veteran of WWI
Seasonal cleaning - looking for potential agents of deterioration, any presence of pests, damage to objects, etc
Study Abroad Course focused on the grand tour model and the modern art market
Tidying up! End of season clean up of the historical Lang Grist Mill originally built in 1846