“Don’t go to a museum with a destination. Museums are wormholes to other worlds. They are ecstasy machines. Follow your eyes to wherever they lead you…and the world should begin to change for you.”
– Jerry Saltz
To me a museum is a place to immerse oneself in culture and history, and in doing so, learn about ourselves in the process. From both a personal and professional standpoint my aspiration is to make cultural heritage accessible, inclusive, and engaging for all audiences. In my eyes, Galleries, Libraries, Archives and Museums are places of mutual respect and discovery, where individuals can come together and feel welcome to converse freely on a plethora of topics. With this in mind I seek to incorporate innovative ways to connect people through cultural materials within my practice, while encouraging life long learning and the democratization of knowledge sharing to ensure no story is lost to history.
During my time at Fleming college for Museum Management and Curatorship, I have developed a keen interest in research strategies, curating, collections management and the study of ethical standards. As a result I have sought to immerse myself within these topics as much as possible.
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